The Quick Takes Pro blog by Michael Kahn, CMT about anything that might affect your portfolio.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
More on Intermarket
What was that old joke? If you put all the economists of the world end to end they still would not reach a conclusion.
Intermarket analysis makes the economists' jobs so much easier and makes my own technical opinions that much stronger.
And for those who have been reading my work for a long time, you may have noticed great similarities in style to John Murphy. He does not know it but he has been my mentor since I started in this business in 1986. And he started Getting Technical (at Barron's Online before handing the keys to me. Ah, trivia.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Why are pizza and bagels still so expensive?
But now I see something rotten in bakery-ville. Wheat prices have come down 40% - you read that right - since March yet the price of pizza, bagels and any other baked good you can name hasn't budged!
What's worse? Washing it down with milk that hasn't really come down in the supermarket but is down some 35% in the futures market since last summer (nonfat dry milk).
Everyone, including me, talks about food price inflation but that may be old news. The DBA ETF, which tracks corn, wheat, soy and sugar, has been trending lower all year. I'm not going to call for a bear market in food by any means, especially when the news is full of global shortages, but this is certainly some contrary evidence I have to feed into my market opinion machine.
So far, it just weakens my inflation and rising interest rate argument but does not reverse it.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Never Assume
Is it me or is it assumed that crude oil will hit 150 (I say this a lot)? Nothing else is assumed and analysts have stopped saying that the fundamentals support a price in the 80s. All we need now is for Newsweek or the Economist to run a cover story about a world with $200 oil and that would sucker in the last bull.
Yes, we were quite early in thinking it was time for a correction last week but the higher it goes the deeper the correction should be when it finally gets here. Fortunately, we have not been fighting the trend by shorting stocks or oil itself.
Don’t get me wrong; we still think that the oil bull market is far from over. It’s just that there comes a point where the risk outweighs the reward and for us that was in the area of 117. We know – too much left on the table but that’s what happens in a bubble. We will be ready to buy when the market makes its cleansing move and all of the sudden the pundits are back to “valuing” oil at 80.
Just for clarity, we do not think we’ll see less than 100 but there will be a trendline rising to about 110 by the summer that we like.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Barron's Online clarification
For what it's worth, the crossover system remains in bear market mode.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Never forget that they are still stocks
But by the afternoon, when it became apparent that the stock selloff was going to stick the XOI index closed down a quarter percent Here's some more fun:
The USO oil ETF was up 3.8% (OMG that is huge)
The DUG ultrashort energy sector ETF - which was down huge in the morning - closed up 2.6%!
Zoiks! Talk about playing both sides of the fence!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Quant this!
Here is an excerpt of an article found in the Financial News (US) and posted to a chat room by the world famous John Bollinger:
"Quantitative fund managers, who use computer models rather than human judgment to pick stocks, have continued to suffer since the credit crisis threw their calculations into confusion last summer.
They are fighting back with new models and new ideas, but are running into investor skepticism.
Three quarters of fund managers—quant and non-quant alike—agree the outlook for computer models is troubled.
It will be difficult for them to generate returns because they are all following similar market factors, according to a study last week from the CFA Institute (that's the fundamental analysis society to which all the Wall Street analysts belong), a trade body for fund managers.
Managers are responding in three ways, often in combination, the study found.
They are developing extra models, looking for fresh sources of information to feed into the models, and some are introducing a level of more traditional, human insight into their process."
End Quote
So, they are changing by adding more models? Garbage in, garbage out. At least they are adding a little human insight into the mix and guess what? that is technical analysis in an different dress.
Quants and all the propeller heads on Wall Street are a bigger herd than mom and pop retail investor.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Spank the Leaders
This morning it was "what me worry?" when it came to the economy but of course there was a headline saying that a gaggle of economists agree that a recession is either here or coming. I think the momentum players got clocked today as all the technical problems I've been writing about seem to matter now. Leadership was the only thing going for the market without any qualifiers.
The market may push all the evidence to the back burner and mess up as many of us as possible. It also may do it for longer than we can fight it, reminding me of my usual Barry Goldwater quote. "I'd rather be right than President."
I'd rather live to trade another day than be right while I fight the trend. But if it is turning I am going to be very ready.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Lighter Side
Enjoy. And no, it is not "tell your wife/husband" funny. A slight chuckle and a knowing smile at best.
A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced his altitude and spotted a man below. He descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me, but can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."
The man below replied. "You are in a hot air balloon hovering approx. 30 feet above the ground. You are between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 6O degrees west longitude."
"You must be an Market Technician," said the balloonist
"I am," replied the man "How did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help so far."
The man below responded," You must be a Fund Manager."
"Why, yes, I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?"
"Well," said the man, "You don't know where you are or where you are going. You have risen to your current position due to a large quantity of hot air.
You made a promise which you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. The fact is, you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fault!"
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
What Inflation?
Main headline from a major financial site - Inflation stays caged in April
And now these sub-headlines:
- Consumer prices overall rise just 0.2% — half that when food and energy are excluded.
- Food prices see biggest increase in 18 years.
- Inflation likely to rise in 2009, mutual fund managers believe
Inflation is here. The charts have been talking about it for a year and a half and all the government and economic wonks out there probably don't live in blue collar neighborhoods.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Gann Analysis
Maybe not. Actually, Gann Analysis, while controversial, does turn up some interesting relationships. In that chat room, a trader with the handle AllenNev gave us that quote above but also pointed out that crude oil has hit a level that is very close to a Gann projection up from the 1998 low of 10.35. Don't ask me to explain the Gann Wheel. Let's just buy the fact that the target using that major low equals four trips around the wheel, whether you believe Gann has any validity or not.
Then someone asked about the Goldman target of $150 and lo and behold that is another stop on the wheel.
Again, please don't ask me to explain this stuff or even defend it. I cannot. Just accept that a lot of technical analysis is indeed gobbledygook to the untrained ear.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Ball of Confusion
Anyway, ball of confusion, that's what the world is today. Go ahead, check the day to day reports in the financial media and hum along. Stocks rallied despite rising oil. Record high prices set stocks back. Stocks stage comeback as oil hits yet another record.
While I may be paraphrasing, this is exactly the sequence of daily news reports we saw this week. Listen people, there is no correlation between oil and stocks. Yes, rising oil leads to inflation which kills the economy but if you are looking for a reason for what stocks do on any given day this ain't it. Journalists have to write something so they latch on to anything that any of their sources say that sounds good.
Hey, what happened to gold? Everyone was writing it off as the "bubble" burst on commodities but guess what?
And oil? The fundies say we are once again swimming in the stuff yet the price sets six new daily highs in four trading days. OK, I exaggerated but you get the point.
Interest rates? Wasn't a weakening Europe supposed to get them to cut rates over there? Not today, pal. They are worried about inflation, as they should be. Perhaps my call for a higher dollar later in the year was premature.
What's going on? (Dang, another 1970s pop song reference tell me). Don't let anyone tell you they know the full story. All I know is that the charts are telling me something is happening and that it is probably not a good idea to take out a loan to buy that big screen TV.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
So Close, Bears
Actually, I wrote the text for today's column before noon today, as even with Barron's Online's lightening fast publishing turnaround it's still not real time. When I finished the piece the Dow was down about 70 - not much more than yet another wiggle in May.
When the editor got through with it and sent it off to production, the Dow was down 180 and sinking. I really hate it when the market starts to drop before I get a chance to tell everyone I am more bearish. Usually, it is thanks to the Fed but today it was just a heavy market sinking on oil.
But don't get too excited yet bears. The May market is still the same old head-fakey place it was yesterday. Oil is soaring today but I've seen reports that Gann analysis pegs now as a top. Can't argue that since I just don't know. But it does seem that oil is getting a little carried away.
So if the stock market is reversing here or if it has a few percent left in it, I think we remain in a bear market. I can't wait to see the AAII poll numbers this week to see if the ranks of the bulls are still increasing as they have been for weeks.
Does anybody care that 52-week lows are still beating new 52-week highs? Oh, the humanity!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The dollar and other markets

We would expect commodities to go up on a day like this and indeed they did. Crude is a rocket but I bet my Elliott Wave friends might say it is in a 5 of 5 now so don't get in too deep. Let the Goldman predict 200 bucks. That seems a tad too high now (I was a 115 proponent back in February).
My message today is expect major fakes in markets that have not done so yet. Based on sector leadership and intermarket stuff, nothing is different now than it was last month - except that many markets could be in terminal waves. Enjoy them while they last.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Bloomberg/LA Times surveyed me
Who would you vote for with these two match-ups? or would you vote another candidate?
What is you most important issue? (I said all of them)
Are we in a recession and how bad is it if we are?
Is your personal economic situation better or worse and do you expect it to hange in a year?
Which sectors of the stock market are the best place to be for the next year?
In your opinion, how did we get into this credit crisis? Who is at fault? Do we need more regulation? Do we save the people in house trouble?
You get the point. But I stayed with this guy for the whole thing because it was crystallizing my own beliefs and views.
Changing gears, and it is related if you bear with me, I say comedian Nick DiPaolo last night at a local comedy club. After Howard Stern left K-Rock and its affiliates, he was one of the new set of unlikely talk jockeys brought in (I loved Penn Gillette's show) and although I don't agree with all of his stuff one thing stuck with me. He called the US a "nanny state" because the government thinks it knows better than we do how we should live our lives. He reiterated that if he does not want to wear a seatbelt while he is driving a car that is his business. He will not cause any damage to anyone but himself that way as he would if he were drinking.
Visualize. He said if he crashes though his windshield after hitting a tree he is not going to turn into a guided missile and land in nearby schoolyard. He'll make it halfway out and his face will land on the hood of the car. Lovely!
The point is that we cannot over-regulate behavior if it does not affect others. How much do we spend on enforcing all of these laws, too? If you want to do something stupid like not wear a seatbelt or smoke at home or jump off a the bow of the Queen Mary, go for it. Just be prepared to pay the consequences - a fine, jail, illness or death.
Let insurance companies charge more for these idiots and lower rates for the rest of us.
During the survey, I realized that our collective behavior, from the government on down, got us into the mess we are in today. How much money has been spent telling people what to do here and abroad? Now we have borrowed our way into the poorhouse.
Now it is time to tighten our belts and fix it.
If you find that the government is coming after the free market again, like a windfall tax on oil companies or taking the internet then run to your broker to sell stocks. The free market will work it out and if we don't tighten those belts on our own first, it will force us to do it.