Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quick Takes

Right from the newsletter's origins, here is a chart in Quick Takes format. No text, just a few captions. You can make up your mind about what you see. Subscribers - we'll discuss Friday.


MrWave4 said...

Thank you for the alert on the morning star.

I dont mean to be picky but you may need to call it an "evening star" as that's the candlestick pattern for the top reversal according to the definition from Steve Nisson:

"The evening star is the bearish counterpart of the morning star pattern. It is aptly named because the evening star (nickname for the planet Venus) appears before darkness sets in. Since the evening star is a top reversal...."(Ref - "Japanease Candlestick Charting Techniques 2nd edition - p 66" by Steve Nisson).

Michael Kahn said...

that's what I get for doing this stuff after the kids get home from school. chart labels corrected